Anti-Ageing Rejuvenation



Ageing, drastic weight loss, sun exposure, smoking, free radicals and reduction of collagen and elastin production due to medicine or illness related reasons, lead to the appearance of rapid ageing. Anti-ageing rejuvenation is required to aid the skin retain its youth and remain soft, and supple regardless of age.



Our Recommended Treatments

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

  • Targets: Aging, menopause, andropause, PCOS, loss of energy, fatigue, hormone deficiency, loss of vitality
  • Treatment: Following a blood draw analysis that helps identify any hormone deficiency or excess, a bespoke bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) will be prescribed. The treatment boosts hormones, such as thyroid, testosterone, oestrogen, progesterone, DHEA and vitamin D - back to the appropriate levels necessary to maintain youthful health, vigour and reduce oxidative stress .
  • Method: Oral, topical or sublingual (bespoke – made to each individual profile)
  • Downtime: Nil
  • Frequency: Daily